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I doubt the interface is any good for normal user as well.

The UX designers don't care for it to be actually usable, they just want the standard UX/UI ideas of whitespace and stuff looking good without thoughts how the features are actually used.

Indeed, and this seems to be pervasive in UI design as a whole. Until not long ago, designers created palletes of styles and components to be used by programmers. Now they draw entire screens and deliver the drawings to the programmers. This puts too much decision power in the hands of a group that don't have a clear view of the requirements and development costs -- and I have serious doubts about their understanding of "user experience" as well. Like you said, it feels that their artistic conceptions trumps anything else

This 100%. And I fear it's a full-blown problem in design ethos generally. We're looking to remodel the kitchen and three designers have presented different, very beautiful concepts... Without any practical long-term consideration to real-world usability

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