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Some parts have already been open-sourced. For example, the console host component has been open sourced here: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal

And the FAT filesystem driver: https://github.com/microsoft/Windows-driver-samples/tree/mai...

And also PowerShell: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell

And most of .NET: https://github.com/dotnet

Maybe they could consider an Apple-style approach: open source the core of the kernel and text-mode user space but leave the GUI closed.

Of course, open sourcing everything would be even better, but that might too big of a step for them. Open sourcing the non-GUI core could be a good initial step, whether or not it ends up going further.

File Manager: https://github.com/microsoft/winfile

Calculator (the horrible UWP one, unfortunately): https://github.com/microsoft/calculator

As for that FAT driver, it was traditional to include in the SDK/DDK sources of some of the actual drivers in Windows, so that one is not a surprise.

>Open sourcing the non-GUI core could be a good initial step,

I think that is what could happen in 10-20 year period. As long as they could drive enough revenue from Cloud.

At least M$ under Nadella so far has a much better strategic play than most other tech CEO.

my guess is if they did it it would be under some odd ball license just to make sure its code couldn't be incorporated into other penguin themed operating systems

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