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What if the same Human thinks climate change is serious sometimes, but other times not, depending on the topic? Is this impossible?

Also: it is not possible to know if everything is solely physics based. Faith comes in many forms, and scientism is one of them.

I'm not accepting of your mysticism.

That's fine, and nor do I accept yours.

You and your kind are welcome to play the game as you like, and you will be rewarded accordingly, as you are as we speak.

Saaaay....how's that climate change thing going?

Anything new and exciting happening in the middle East these days?

Don't worry though, "it's all good". And that which isn't good will be fixed by science and democracy, "any day now". This is Known.

More seriously...for fun, I can think of a game where we would begin here:


...and then each post links to other articles on the internet in an exercise to reveal which of the two of us has more genuine competence in this domain.

I am highly confident that I would be the victor in such a contest. Can you think of any games where you could outperform me, Surely Highly Rational In Fact Human?

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