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Progress like the metro interface and win11 taskbar, why not!

My Windows 11 taskbar looks just how I liked it on Windows 10 and prior. Adjust your settings.

You can't move the new task bar to the left or right of the screen among other settings allowed in the previous version.

Also cannot change the taskbar icon size anymore either. I always enjoyed small icons + full taskbar button size as it allows one to have a larger target to click and see the window name all at once.

At least they finally re-added the "feature" (after removing it after many years) to expand taskbar titles instead of forcing MacOS-like icons on the taskbar with zero information other than a barely-visible red dot when anything happens, though I don't quite understand why it's sort of hidden inside the Taskbar behaviors list (inside Taskbar settings) which is by default collapsed, whereas Taskbar items and System tray icons are always open (and IMO you don't need to mess with those settings very often, at least compared to the Taskbar behavior settings).

Nice! I didn't realize that was added back. Now I just would like 1.) small taskbar icons and 2.) ability to dock the taskbar on any edge.

Agreed about the macOS dock. I occasionally use macOS as well and it kind of reminds me of a terminal bell in tmux, it just lights up for anything and everything. Windows at least has different colors, solid vs blinking, and even progress bars through the taskbar icon.

Defaults enjoyer? It took them two years or so to bring back the taskbar settings I liked.

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