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True, just as people from Mexico don't have a right to live in the rich and nice USA, people from the sticks don't have a right to live in the rich and nice SF.

> A right is a power or privilege held by the general public, usually as the result of a constitution, statute, regulation, or judicial precedent[1]

Nobody has a "right" to live in SF. If you can afford SF, then nothing is stopping you.

You do have a right to live, but you do not have a right to live in a particular area.

[1] https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/right#:~:text=A%20right%20is....

People from Mexico don't have a right to live in the USA, any more than people from the USA have a right to live in Mexico; and the people moving into SF and complaining have top 3% incomes.

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