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What do Prod Managers pivot into?
2 points by iknowSFR 28 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
My experience from 2015ish-2022 was the golden age of PM opportunities in the job market. Friends of mine with backgrounds ranging from engineering to QA to marketing were pivoting into the cushy job of Product Management.

Well that bubble has burst. As companies have tried to build their own in-house competencies that blend engineering with product and higher interest rates have lowered the appetite for the grey area PM’s operate in… so where are all the PM’s going? I’m not talking about the really good ones. They’re just fine. I mean the 80% of bad PM’s that flooded into the role and are now getting laid off or struggling to find their next gig in the career path.

Given the extent of Entrprenerial Lubricant the wide swatch of available tooling is in the age of AI' Elite Script Kiddie abilities are - -if they were any sort of sound PM, they should be building something of their own informed vision from their time as a PM -- what were the gaps that needed serving that whatever SnakeWare they were slinging was missing.

Personally, and I believe its a good trait - although it definitely exacerbates distractions - is that I've always been one to see the opportunites within the gaps in the market, available tools, etc.

I get so much inspiration and ideas just from reading HN every day. If one is PM - they would do well to read every show, tell, ask, launch HN post - some remarkable niche-like functions that actually when you see all these things from HN, they are like an ecosystem of tools, apps, ideas and services that can all be like Lego pieces when looked at holistically.

I've already done a number of things with some posts recently on HN to expand my learnings..

So -- hopefully any PMs are lurking and finding opportunities that mayhaps they can craft something meaningful/fun/interesting.

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