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I don't know why this is always in the news. %4.45 is still very small. Linux came out 34 years ago. That's an ion in computer years. Linux desktop is in too many flavors. MacOS is one MacOS. whatever the latest. Windows 11 is Windows 11. Not many flavors of it.

I feel like Linux people are cheering for a tiny number. They'll take whatever desktop market share they can. 10 years from now maybe it will be 6%. Well... big f*king hurray! Open the champagne bottles!

This is all silly.

Linux doesn’t have the capital of tech giants to be installed onto new machines via partnerships (Microsoft), or its own hardware (Apple).

Linux is the greatest FOSS of all time, and small bumps in an upward trajectory are welcomed news. What is silly is jumping into such threads just to shit on progress made against the mega corporations that aren’t working for your best interests.

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