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Cursor: We Raised $60M (cursor.com)
6 points by davidbarker 29 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

How do you raise $60M building a VS Code extension? I'm looking for the moat or value proposition but I'm not seeing it.

It's its own editor (albeit forked from VS Code), it's not a VS Code extension. They've built a great product.

It's literally using the Open Source VS Code monaco editor. Half of the "features" they're bragging about ship in Code by-default.

Why would you buy this?

The editor component itself isn't what's interesting about this product... The moat is in all the stuff happening around it. I'm a long time VSCode user, including building my own extensions and building my own stuff with the Monaco editor component. Show me please, where can I get Cursor functionality in VSCode?

In other words... their access to an OpenAI API key is what makes them special? Them and what army?

This is just one of those things where I could see an investor buying the idea, but I'd actually laugh at someone paying $20/month of their own money for this. You're not even getting an IDE for your money, you're getting a version of a free program that you pay to unlock a remote feature. There are Open Source plugins for VS Code that let you bring your own backend (or use OpenAI's) and do everything you see here.

Seems to be their biggest moat is assuming that most of their customers are too lazy to care about superior alternatives.

> Show me please, where can I get Cursor functionality in VSCode?




No, their integration of the api in their custom UI is. None of these extensions match the seamlessness.

> The editor component itself isn't what's interesting about this product... The moat is in all the stuff happening around it. I'm a long time VSCode user...

Exactly. So VSCode and Microsoft has the moat.

Huh? How can I get the same tier of seamless integration in VS Code?

This is the problem with this industry and this appears to be a acquisition vehicle rather than an actual sustainable business.

They probably know they don't have a moat, but once again; all for the better to take advantage of the AI bubble and exit out quickly once it collapses.

Sounds like you haven't used cursor.

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