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Thanks for posting that as I was about to! I will note that MIL-HDBK-5 is no longer valid for actual aerospace design, as it has been superseded by Battelle Institute's MMPDS Handbook, which is locked behind a very very tall paywall. The MIL-HDBK is still all perfectly good data.


I think it is unfortunate the US government got rid of all their MIL and STD standards. You used to have a rich resource of technical specifications for materials, fasteners, fittings, etc for free access. Now they are pretty well all cancelled and have been moved to organizations like SAE and ASTM where they are hundreds of dollars per copy. For the metallurgical data, I'm curious if these successor organizations are actually generating any new data. Whenever I'm looking up references like that hand book, it appears they all summaries of investigations that happened back in the 1960's and earlier.

That’s the problem of capitalism : you need it but too much of it becomes a disease for the society abusing it… Much of the western world is starting to feel the effects…

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