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Not to nitpick, but in this blog post, mostly every first sentence after a heading doesn't add anything, but simply repeats the heading in a longer, more rambling format. Are you bumping your word count to achieve some imagined length goal/page count?

Brevity and Ruthless Editing should be incorporated into your final cycles of 'finishing' working on projects.

This is so very unhelpful and completely against the spirit of the post.

The author knows their work isn't perfect, but they're sharing it anyway. This is covered in the first paragraph.

Regardless, I found this post to be perfect. There are good takeaways, it was easy to read, and it wasn't too long.

I'd imagine that the author would happily consider your opinion if you posed it in a more constructive manner.

The author actually asked for feedback on this platform (in the spirit of the post...). Constructive criticism is not part of your process, huh?

Poor writing turns off readers, who won't come back and visit again, and it diminishes your effort and message. Pretty basic.

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