> If congress is bought off I'd rather trust the administrations. They aren't perfect but are usually more on point.
You also vote for your Representatives and Senators. I’m surprised people are so willing to advocate against their democratic interests for short term gains.
>You also vote for your Representatives and Senators.
yes, one represenative that has continually lost represenative power for a century, and one senate who's as effective in California as they are in Wyoming.
Senate was always built that way, but represenatives growing weaker is part of the mechanics reasons behind why nothing feels representative.
I have those feelings, sure. But I don't think anything I said demonstrated nihilism. I recognize the main road is clogged and am fine taking the side roads in the meantime.
Would it be better if the main road was fixed? Absolutely. But I can't fix it. I can only make due in the short term.
I will never trade liberty for the easy fix. That side road you are so willing to take could very well be what ends the democracy that you’ve lost faith in. What comes after is something much more sinister.
You also vote for your Representatives and Senators. I’m surprised people are so willing to advocate against their democratic interests for short term gains.