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That's still among the strongest backwards compatibility guarantees in any major language. Maybe Java would be close? It's certainly better than C++ which is famed for backwards compatibility, and light years ahead of Python.

> That's still among the strongest backwards compatibility guarantees in any major language.

Not at all. See https://go101.org/blog/2024-03-01-for-loop-semantic-changes-... for reasons.

What reasons? You need to pass one flag to the compiler to specify the language version? That's still very very good.

Please tell me what flag I can pass to Python 3.12 so `distutils` still exists.

Reasons are in the article.

I'm not familiar with Python, so I don't understand what is the problem with Python. But I think the problem of Go is unrelated to Python.

Yet it isn't without zero issues, as claimed.

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