The core problem is that toasts always show up far away from the user's attention. Hacker news, surely we can find a better way to toast our breads?
Hear me out.
= The Problems with toasters =
The entire interaction is quite jarring:
- I push down the lever on the side of the device
- There is often little to no indication that something started processing and that bread is heating up; I need to look inside of the device to see if something is really heating
- The toast is delayed without a loading indicator
- The toast appears on the top of the toaster, despite lever being located on the side
= The Solution: No Toast =Just eat your breakfast without bread, or eat your bread fresh, instead of toasting it.
= It Could be Worse =
What's worse than a toast? No breakfast at all. Don't skip it.
p.s. this post is intended as lighthearted satire!
What the industry desperately needs; no, what every kitchen needs; is a private and safe integration with a next-generation machine learning platform. I want you to think, "ChatGPT of bread" here. There's a huge amount of capital being invested in both toaster innovation and LLM technology, which is the perfect opportunity to capitalize on some underbaked synergy.
Obviously, we'll need a sort of "Core Toaster Fee" to ensure users don't accidentally use the toaster for something other than branded bread. Perhaps a bread-DRM could be invented to avoid these sorts of toast crimes, so our bread manufacturers could better protect their IP and prevent users from poisoning themselves on such follies as homemade bread.