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Or all my friends in that space are more technically minded than average. Sampling bias is implied. We're on hackernews afterall, normies don't really come here.

That's why I was clear about "my" friends, which necessarily limits the scope of what I'm saying.

> That's why I was clear about "my" friends, which necessarily limits the scope of what I'm saying.

This post:

>I don't know a single artist that's doing commercial work that isn't using AI to speed up their delivery times. They're all using AI tooling because it's useful. I know this because they've all reached out to me at one point or another and asked about tools/hardware/services/etc, and I've done my best to point them in the right direction. One that I'm particularly proud of bought himself a 3090 and is running his own models and doing inpainting stuff to great effect.

Does not include the phrase “my friends”. The first sentence could be interpreted as a broad statement as well.

So, put simply, your reply is essentially, "Yes".

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