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I had it installed in my 2014 mitsubishi. I can't imagine not having it

yeah, seriously. In WA, you can't hold your phone while you drive. I guess in theory, you could mount your phone on your dashboard where it gets sun/heat damaged?

Why do you need to use your phone while driving? Set your nav at the start of your trip, start your music at the start of your drive. Skipping or anything else is easy to do when stopped at a light.

My phone has always done just fine mounted on a dash, never had any concerns around sun/heat damage.

> My phone has always done just fine mounted on a dash

Phone (and their batteries) can be permanently damaged in heat. Some phones monitor the temperature. If the phone exceeds temp thresholds, it warns you (blocking navigation information), stops charging, and may even shutdown to prevent further damage.

If you're in a cooler climate and/or run the AC, maybe you wont have issues.

I live in Michigan with a similar law. Law does not allow you to touch your phone when your car is not legally parked.

I actually got a ticket doing exactly what you described. I was stopped and interacted with my phone, but I was not parked. They were doing enforcement that day to prove a point.

> Why do you need to use your phone while driving?

Just one example, but map apps will often require an interaction to accept alternate routes around congestion.

Do they actually require it? I've noticed that Waze, for instance, will default to rerouting you if you don't respond to the prompt. Which is great - they seem to have taken into account the fact that folk might be driving, so let's just keep getting them there as fast as possible.

Some do, yes.

I listen to audiobooks all the time, and sometimes I want to rewind the last 30 seconds or skip ahead.

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