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They're laying off engineers in Michigan and overseas to move jobs to the Bay Area? You're going to have to connect the dots for me on this one.

Connect the dots as in why it makes sense? Or provide evidence? I can't tell you why it would make sense to the executives, but below are job searches for keyword software. You can yada yada and say maybe it's fake postings in which case I'm not sure what to say - but it's well known internally GM wants to expand the Mountain View office.

42 jobs listed in Mountain View https://search-careers.gm.com/en/jobs/?search=software&locat...

6 in Detroit https://search-careers.gm.com/en/jobs/?search=software&locat...

16 in Austin https://search-careers.gm.com/en/jobs/?search=software&locat...

Where did I, or anyone, suggest they're fake job postings?

I'm pointing out the bit of your logic where they didn't offer the ~600 engineers in Michigan comparable jobs in the Mountain View office. And due to COL changes, you know damn well they'd have materially lower salary expectations than Mountain View natives.

That's the part of your "just move the jobs to the Bay Area" theory which doesn't make sense. Relocating trained employees is massively more cost-effective than firing + hiring + training.

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