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Co-defendants in HP fraud trial pass away just days apart (independent.co.uk)
12 points by Jimmc414 31 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

After graduating from college in 2010, I was offered a position at Autonomy. I decided to turn it down based on the... less-than-stellar reviews on GlassDoor, et al. I know all companies have their foibles, but the reviews there made it seem like the company was a cult run by a charismatic leader (aka, Mike Lynch). I instead took a local job paying me nearly half what Autonomy offered me (although I did learn a ton at that job). My parents looked at me like I was crazy to turn down a nearly six-figure entry-level position.

That being said, I hope they find him. :(

I don't think we're looking at a Robert Maxwell Yacht incident here. This really is just one of those million-to-one chance coincidences.

Funny thing is that there was a freak yacht incident in this case. The yacht was destroyed by tornado and Mike Lynch's is one of the missing.

> million-to-one chance coincidences.

Since Boeing i would say it is more like 2 to 1. /s

Unless there's a magical weather controlling radar array out there with an agenda, I'm going to call coincidence on this one.

And for those thinking of karma, to quote a famous animated convenience store owner: ''Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos.''

Why would a yacht with experienced crew suffer such a disaster near to port? Surely they would have life jackets? Radios? How unusual is this as a boat accident? (regardless of the other irregularities)

It makes no sense, you hire a high end hitman who will make it look like a natural disaster and he goes and does both jobs before the weekend. Is there ball game on?

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