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Production operation Engineer not getting any job offers
3 points by shivajikobardan 26 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I started as a production operator support. I'll be highly critical of this position, so bear with me.

- It's expected for us to escalate any issues directly to upper layer. We're a glorified log forwarder(Logs of applications) team.

- We're the least knowledgeable team members in our company because we don't have much scope/area.

- We're operations/support so it's definitely true, we're not prioritized in budget wise, learning wise.

I've been applying to jobs for junior level with same pay as here(I am making 250$ here and asking 250$ in other companies, but they don't know it) ,even after 2 YOE, and I am not surprised that I am not getting any positive response. I've been getting rejected left and right. I just got rejected in 3 out of 20 jobs that I applied 2 days ago.

I am not surprised because I feel working as a support has been net negative for my CV. I've a degree in computer engineering and getting a job in Nepal is extremely difficult without connections or referrals. I got this via referral. I am overqualified for intern positions, and underqualified for any serious devops/QA/java dev associate roles in the perspective of hiring managers.

PS, my manager one day broke me down into tears because he expected too much from me for the bare minimum salary. After that, our relation has not been the same. He has started to ignore me.

I know I need to quit this job, irrespective of anything, but I am not getting any positions.

I've written a cover letter, a resume in latex but still that's not helping me catch hiring manager's eye.

I'm thinking about writing a customized cover letter and resume for each job. Currently, I've each cover letter for each job-type: like QA/dba/devops have each cover letter.

Can anyone guide me? Since I have worked with Linux, SQL, web servers like nginx, apache, tomcat etc, I've some knowledge about them, but it's very surfacial knowledge. What should I do now? Keep applying blindly?

$250? A year? A day? A week? $250k?

Where are you located?

As you mention, it seems like a niche job and I think anyone look at your resume will be skeptical.

Cover letters should be 100% per job, and the resume tailored to each job. Recruiters and hiring managers aren't going to connect the dots from your previous experience to the role their hiring. Spell it out.

250 dollars a month. ktm, nepal.

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