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This question is crucial to understanding the true value of React and virtual DOM technologies.

While there's no doubt that React and virtual DOM offer advantages, it's essential to clearly demonstrate where and how these benefits manifest in real-world applications.

> they're not showcasing cases where the performance gains are perceptible

According to this commenter, it's not even about the performance gains:


> and IMO not even cases where the "organizational" benefits of such libraries are salient

Apparently, that is what it ultimately boils down to:


> While there's no doubt that React and virtual DOM offer advantages, it's essential to clearly demonstrate where and how these benefits manifest in real-world applications.

Definitely; it's a struggle to find precise, concrete arguments in this direction. And there are many good reasons to be conservative: e.g. inheritance-based OO was sold with "VW inherits Car"; looks great on paper, but not as much in front of real-world issues.

> Apparently, that is what it ultimately boils down to:

If so, I'd be left wondering how much of this is actually caused by a lack of discipline, as seems to be for example indicated by the "dumb reflows" issues.

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