They (mega) may have started to do this, but for several years I used to come across saved text files with lists of of mega links on most pedophiles computers.
A different unit in the police sometimes checked the links and anecdotally they still (months after seizure) were valid and contained Child Exploitation Material (CEM). Often the same material stored on the device that I was wading thru. (insert cannot unsee meme)
I am not talking about fakes, I'm talking about photographic documentation of the worst abuse held by offenders either as memories or currency.
So when Mega came under fire I didn't really care that if came from the "copyright" end.
I understand that Mega faced a large task to address this. Not simple. But the fact that CEM was hard for them to sort from the large corpus of "pirated" material seemed like a feature, not a bug. A least from a site design perspective. Selfishly, my sympathy is low in this case. Motivated by my own secondary exposure to some horrible shit as a result of the legal process.