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> interestingly enough, one of my colleagues thinks very strongly that intuition should not be shared, and the path to intuition should be walked by everyone so that they ´ Make their own mental images ´. I guess that there’s a tradeoff between making things accessible, and deeply understood, but I don’t know what to make of his opinion.

If the objective is to advance mathematics instead of making it accessible, then this is a somewhat reasonable position. The mathematical statements that a person can come up with is often a direct product of their mental image. If everyone has the same image, everyone comes up with similar mathematical statements. For this reason you want to avoid that everyone has the same picture. Forcing everyone to start with a clean canvas increases the chance that there is diversity in the images. Maybe someone finds a new image, that leads to new mathematical statements. At least that's the idea. One could also argue that it just leads to blank canvases everywhere.

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