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Understanding Reticulum (reticulum.network)
7 points by franek 36 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

> Once an announce has reached a node in the network, any other node in direct contact with that node will be able to reach the destination the announce originated from, simply by sending a packet addressed to that destination. Any node with knowledge of the announce will be able to direct the packet towards the destination by looking up the next node with the shortest amount of hops to the destination.

Do I understand correctly that routing always priorities the path with the fewest hops? With Reticulum being "medium agnostic", I imagine this would not always be fastest in terms of ping or throughput: A destination might be reachable via a single hop via Mars, even though three hops across town would be faster.

There's an ongoing thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41253922 where you might get an answer.

Thanks! I had thought it would make sense to post this chapter of the Reticulum manual separately, as the other post is about Nomad in particular. But since my post here didn't get traction, I repeated my question over there now.

it would make sense to post

It's a natural assumption but it's actually the opposite of how HN works since two threads about roughly the same thing on the front page leads to split discussion (and too much of the same thing) and typically the follow-up gets moderated away. So posting a followup/related thing of a front page ongoing topic makes it more likely the followup won't get traction.

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