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Well, are you going to use 60% of charge in your model 3 every single day? Because that would mean driving ~120-150 miles every day, and that's a lot more driving than people normally do. Fair enough if you do, I just mean people don't realize that actually, if you plug your car in every day it's like someone comes in at night and refuels your car - if you need to drive 120 miles one day but only 20 the next day, you are probably still fine just charging the car overnight using the slowest socket. And that's ignoring the possibility of having an actual charger station installed at home.

45mi drive to work so 90 round trip. There is no way to charge there. Most weeks will be 4 days 90 miles (WFH Friday). So, less than 60% but similar ballpark.

Circuit breaker is in the garage so not too hard to modify but sounds like I do need 240V if I want to get an EV. Thanks.

No you don’t. (You may very well be happier if you do the upgrade though). You have Fridays and weekends to top up too. Yes the charge you start with every day will decrease over the course of the week, but you’ll still have enough to do the commute on Thursday. But if you do not do the upgrade, check whether your outlet can be run at top load continuously. Most outlets aren’t rated for that

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