Counterpoint: why do you feel entitled to free content?
Normally if you don't agree to the price of something, you don't pay for it and you don't get it. With content people feel okay with both getting the content for free _and_ denying the creator any income.
Then when the creators dare to bring it up, there's invariably a comment like this downplaying their contribution.
If you hand out free cupcakes and then people take them, you can’t really then complain about people taking the cupcakes without paying.
The reason creators monetise their videos on YouTube instead of charging for them on Patreon is because they know people won’t pay for them. Why would they? There are mountains of other videos they can watch for free and if they aren’t inclined to pay, the videos probably aren’t worth paying for.
This is the free market at work. If you don’t make the videos for free, someone else will, unless they can’t because the production value is too high.
In this case the cupcakes are not free. They are explicitly exchanged for a minute of your attention. You use scripts and tools to get the product without paying for it.
Kind of like sneaking into a meeting room to eat the cupcakes, then leaving before the meeting begins.
If you decided not to watch ad-supported content, it would be the free market at work. In this case you're just stiffing creators.
Normally if you don't agree to the price of something, you don't pay for it and you don't get it. With content people feel okay with both getting the content for free _and_ denying the creator any income.
Then when the creators dare to bring it up, there's invariably a comment like this downplaying their contribution.
It's truly adding insult to injury.