I'm blown away that apparently lots of people on here are using toric contacts but their optometrist never instructed them on how to use them ??!!?!? That is horrible.
I think they are pretty much all the same (I've tried almost every brand of them over the years), but will orient themselves... however at least for me it can take a long time, and vision is pretty bad while that is happening. I can't imagine skipping the extra few seconds required to have them perfectly aligned from the beginning.
Interesting! I have always worn symmetric contacts when I (rarely) wear contacts, because I can’t get astigmatism contacts them to sit comfortably in my eyes and not pop out. I wonder if I were to align them first if they would be comfortable enough to wear. I’ll give it a try next time I’m at the optometrist.
Even when they fit properly, they are slightly less comfortable and pop out a little easier, but they have gotten leaps and bounds better in the last few decades. If they didn't work for you a while ago, it's worth trying again.