I'm not sure why we should believe Musk after this very same platform failed the last time he had a high profile guest. And what platform should be more prepared for denial of service attacks that freaking X??
The fact that the rest of Twitter is online, Spaces requires logging in, and that their auth is online makes me feel maybe it’s lack of prep and not a DDoS.
Even if it’s a DDoS, proper preparation for an event of thing kind would require mitigation capabilities to be put in place, which apparently weren’t. Feels like excuses either way.
Obviously this could be true, but also could be Musk saving face due to X streaming infra buckling under a heavy volume of legit requests. It’s happened before.
When we look back at the DeSantis livestream it looks like infra is telling him again it's a ddos instead of fixing the underlying problems. They never get the resources to really fix it... Rinse repeat?
We don’t know what they’re telling him. Given how much he overpaid for the service insisting he’d make it incredibly successful by paying people off, it seems like he has invested a significant amount of his ego in the service and I would not trust anything he isn’t saying in a legally-binding context like an SEC filing. Even normal executives hate to admit that they cut too much and he’s far from the median on that score.