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In my experience Wez has been shockingly responsive to GitHub issues and usually fixes things (if they’re actually wrong) within a day or two. I’ve only found one or two minor quibbles involving modifier keys over SSH and overall the functionality is basically perfect for my needs. Plus it’s nice and fast.

(Former avid Alacritty user but needed better modifier support for remote emacs.)

Yes!! I opened an issue ( https://github.com/wez/wezterm/issues/4917 ), and not only did he answer it and my side question, he merged the two PRs I made to fix it super quickly!

A bit of a tangent, 3 days ago I opened a small issue with RiMusic, not only did the maintainer reply within a few hours, they implemented the feature I requested and it is already in the F-Droid build running on my device

I didn't have as positive experience. Granted I commented on a closed issue. In any case it was closed as "won't do" and my comment was ignored. I didn't feel like opening a new issue for the same that was already dismissed. https://github.com/wez/wezterm/issues/4706

The way you phrase that makes it sound like you had a negative experience, was that your intention? For all we know he didn't even see it, there's thousands of issues and PRs and it's not like this is his full time job, so missing a message sounds like a pretty expected and neutral interaction to me. There's a reason they used the word "shockingly" to describe his response time, it's because it's amazing that Wez can respond to even a fraction of all the messages as quickly as he does.

Also in case you wanted to bump up the priority of that bug, he does have github sponsors enabled.

The showstopping bug (or misfeature?) reported by others was brushed off, and my comment was ignored. It didn't seem like the path forward would be a pleasant one, so I've uninstalled Wez and gone back to a terminal that works for me. So yes, you could say it was a negative experience. I gave Wez a try as my daily driver, but it just didn’t pan out despite my efforts.

Yeah Wez is limited by tmux behavior. If tmux breaks up one line into many, wezterm can’t undo that.

Wes is right about wezterm domains though. The native domains feature and pane support I think will meet the needs of most.

It's the same with no tmux. And it's fine with other terminals. See my comment in the issue.

Regarding remote Emacs: WezTerm allows to completely capture and redefine key combinations. There's no good way to send things like C-S-", the terminal protocol just does not support them. So I made WezTerm send "<f12> c s '" instead, and added extra bindings in Emacs. This F12 trick allowed me to send quite complex combos that terminal protocols can't support.

Nifty! Appreciate your sharing that. I’ve managed to work around the few annoyances with remote for the most part but I’ve also accepted mostly that it’s just not going to be quite the same. I guess this is one or two steps closer.

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