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It's not OpenStreetMaps, it's OpenStreetMap.

I've always wondered why people keep adding the s. Is it marketing because Google Map sounds like a spelling mistake (missing 's after Google) and we're noticing the effect of that other brand, or is there something about OpenStreetMap that makes it seem like a plural project? People don't say Linuxes, Signals, or Androids

I think it's most likely that most of the other commonly used alternatives (most significantly Google Maps but also Apple Maps, Bing Maps, Maps.me) use the plural.

Whereas when OSM started, they didn't (StreetMap and Multimap in the UK, MapQuest in the US).

Maybe because "Google Map" is actually called "Google Maps" (with the s)?

But where does the plural come from?

Maybe the old days when you needed multiple maps folded up on paper instead of one zoomable super map containing the entire world.

Also "Google Map" sounds like a map of Google.

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