Your claim was that JIT was something CL had, it doesn't. But now your switching topics.
The Lisp Machine compiler is incremental, but it is not a dynamic compiler, it never changes the compiled object when it has been compiled during run-time. This is similar with all Lisp implementations, and even Python. Code is also not compiled by default on the Lisp Machine, it is interpreted.
Python has all the building blocks that Lisp does in this regard, and has had for many many years. But I'm not allowed to quote the Lisp Machine manual on the topic, since it has chapters on the compiler so I'll jump out of this conversation now...
That describes incremental compilation. Something Python is also capable of.
Dynamic compilation (i.e. compilation during execution and/or modifying the emitted compiled output during run-time -- depending on which school one prefers) was never a thing on the Lisp Machine, and is not even a thing in modern Lisp implementations like say SBCL which just does static compilation (compiled object is never modified when it has been compiled).
LM-3 System, band 4 of AMS-LISPM-2. (LM-3)
2048K physical memory, 16127K virtual memory.
Experimental System 300.0
Experimental Local-File 54.0
Microcode 323
AMS Lisp Machine Two, with associated machine FS.
(defun foo () "bar")
(compiled-function-p #'foo)
Yeah, but that's wrong. It's the usual confusion about Just in Time dynamic compilation by the system and incremental compilation by the user.
LISP I had an incremental compiler. The user calls the compiler with a list of functions or function definitions to compile. It's not compiling dynamic by the system and also does not use information about the running function (call statistics, call argument statistics, ...).
There is no "Just in Time" functionality provided. The developer is responsible to decide what code to compile and when to compile the code. A function needs to be compiled by the developer before it is invoked, otherwise it won't run compiled. In a JIT compiled setting the system decides when to compile the code: either on start or during runtime triggered by the system. The code will be "Just in Time" compiled.
"Just-in-time compilation is a form of dynamic compilation."
"Unlike dynamic compilation, as defined above, incremental compilation does not involve further optimisations after the program is first run."
Later Lisp systems may have aspects of JIT compilation. For example some CLOS implementations optimize code (-> method combinations) at runtime, possibly via compilation.
The Lisp Machine compiler is incremental, but it is not a dynamic compiler, it never changes the compiled object when it has been compiled during run-time. This is similar with all Lisp implementations, and even Python. Code is also not compiled by default on the Lisp Machine, it is interpreted.
Python has all the building blocks that Lisp does in this regard, and has had for many many years. But I'm not allowed to quote the Lisp Machine manual on the topic, since it has chapters on the compiler so I'll jump out of this conversation now...