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Show HN: Nickelback Ipsum – yes, it is what you think it is (nickelback-ipsum.com)
4 points by gigamick 40 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

With JS disabled, when trying to generate the paragraphs I get a "Symfony\...\MethodNotAllowedHttpException - The POST method is not supported for route /. Supported methods: GET, HEAD. " (with a very detailed stack trace).

The internet doesn’t work with JS disabled. So I’m not too fussed about that.

That may be so, but I'd fussed about revealing the source code of the backend to the public Internet!

Resolved. Thanks for the feedback. Appreciated.

Isn't the point of lorem ipsum that it doesn't distract from the layout? I find myself reading this stuff.

LOVE this!

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