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Home charging will not be that fast in the conceivable future. Just too much power for homes. Just thinking about it, my ford lightning with the extended battery has enough capacity to power the average house for something like 8 days. That'd be crazy be be about to demand that much power at home to charge it in nine minutes.

But, it doesn't mean it's worthless to those that charge at home. I only own EVs. Even if I do 99.99999% of my charging at home, I still need to be able to charge during road trips. The faster the better. My partner and I have been eyeing the ev6 with it's 18 minute charge time. That's way easier to swallow than the 48 minutes the truck takes.

9 minutes and every seven hours of driving would be a god send, instead of our current 48 minutes every 4 hours

Having an option to exchange batteries at every gas station would be even better.

Yeah, but that comes with it's own host of issues. I'm not sure that tradeoff makes sense for something heavier than a motorcycle.

Batteries to push a car a reasonable distance aren't light and need to be protected during a crash. Hard to balance that with "and easily removable and swapped"

They can unhook and attach from below.

Is grandma going to clamber under her car at a battery exchange station and disconnect and remove several hundred pounds of batteries?

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