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By 19 you’re starting to run out of options. It seems like you have a few plays: appeal to emotion/reason in hopes it could be sorted out that way. Sounds like maybe you’ve tried that before. Or, start turning screws (change WiFi password, take phone, etc) but if the internal motivation isn’t there this is a stop-gap at best.

Teaching someone to be self-motivated is a tricky thing, taking either the nature or nurture side of the debate. Either it is innate, or taught. If taught, I don’t think it’s a quick lesson, rather it takes years.

I know I grew up without much means, and was very motivated to get a “real job” and make “real money” after working through high school and college, mostly full-time. Wasn’t great but it worked out I guess. My spouse has much younger siblings, a wealthy father, and her siblings were in high-level sports their whole childhood. Never worked, wanted for nothing. Trips around the world, etc. One of them dropped out of college and the other two live back at home without a job, having graduated.

I don’t know why I typed that out, hope it helps.

Too late to edit: your kid has a 3.0, back off. You asking this question is all the answer you need. Grab a mirror.

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