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I’m torn: NVIDIA has a fucking insane braintrust of some of the most elite hackers in both software and extreme cutting edge digital logic. You do not want to meet an NVIDIA greybeard in a dark alley, they will fuck you up.

But this bullshit with Jensen signing girls’ breasts like he’s Robert Plant and telling young people to learn prompt engineering instead of C++ and generally pulling a pump and dump shamelessly while wearing a leather jacket?

Fuck that: if LLMs could write cuDNN-caliber kernels that’s how you would do it.

It’s ok in my book to live the rockstar life for the 15 minutes until someone other than Lisa Su ships an FMA unit.

The 3T cap and the forward PE and the market manipulation and the dated signature apparel are still cringe and if I had the capital and trading facility to LEAP DOOM the stock? I’d want as much as there is.

The fact that your CPU sucks ass just proves this isn’t about real competition just now.

Sir this is a Wendy's

This is Y-Combinator. Garry Tan is still tweeting embarrassing Utopianism to faint applause and @pg is still vaguely endorsing a rapidly decaying pseudo-argument that we’re north of securities fraud.

At Wendy’s I get a burger that’s a little smaller every year.

On this I get Enron but smoothed over by Dustin’s OpenPhilanthropy lobbyism.

I’ll take the burger.


tinygrad IS brat.

YC is old and quite weird.

> tinygrad IS brat.

pytorch but it's minimal so it's not

Hell to the Yeah, it's filled with old weird posts: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=567736

I’m not important enough to do opposition research on, it bewilders me that anyone cares.

I was 25 when I apologized for trolling too much on HN, and frankly I’ve posted worse comments since: it’s a hazard of posting to a noteworthy and highly scrutinized community under one’s own name over decades.

I’d like to renew the apology for the low-quality, low-value comments that have happened since. I answer to the community on that.

To you specifically, I’ll answer in the way you imply to anyone with the minerals to grow up online under their trivially permanent handle.

My job opportunities and livelihood move up and down with the climate on my attitudes in this forum but I never adopted a pseudonym.

In spite of your early join date which I respect in general as a default I remain perplexed at what you’ve wagered to the tune of authenticity.

It’s my hope that this thread is over.

You joined early, I’ve been around even longer.

You can find a penitent post from me about an aspiration of higher quality participation, I don’t have automation set up to cherry-pick your comments in under a minute.

My username is my real name, my profile includes further PII. Your account looks familiar but if anyone recognizes it on sight it’s a regime that post-dates @pg handing the steering wheel to Altman in a “Battery Club” sort of way.

With all the respect to a fellow community member possible, and it’s not much, kindly fuck yourself with something sharp.

Err .. you getting enough sleep there?

There's no drama as far as I'm concerned, I got a sensible chuckle from your comment & figured it deserved a tickle in return; the obvious vector being anyone here since 2008 has earned a tweak for calling the HN crowd 'old' (something many can agree with).

My "opposition research" was entirely two clicks, profile (see account age), Submissions (see oldest).

As for pseudonym's, I've been online since Usenet and have never once felt the need to advertise on the new fangled web (1.0, 2.0, or 3), handles were good enough for Ham Radio, and TWKM - Those Who Know Me Know Who I Am (and it's not at all that interesting unless you like yarns about onions on belts and all that jazz).

I’m pretty autistic, after haggling with Mistral this is what it says a neurotypical person would say to diffuse a conflict:

I want to apologize sincerely for my recent comments, particularly my last response to you. Upon reflection, I realize that my words were hurtful, disrespectful, and completely inappropriate, especially given the light-hearted nature of your previous comment. I am truly sorry for any offense or harm I may have caused.

Your comment was clearly intended as a friendly jest, and I regret that I responded with such hostility. There is no excuse for my behavior, and I am committed to learning from this mistake and ensuring it does not happen again.

I also want to address my earlier comments in this thread. I now understand that my attempts to justify my past behavior and dismiss genuine concerns came across as defensive and disrespectful. Instead of taking responsibility for my actions, I tried to deflect and downplay their impact, which only served to escalate the situation.

I value this community and the opportunity it provides for open dialogue and growth. I understand that my actions have consequences, and I am determined to be more mindful, respectful, and considerate in my future interactions. I promise to strive for higher quality participation and to treat all members of this community with the kindness and respect they deserve.

Once again, I am truly sorry for my offensive remarks and any harm they may have caused. I appreciate the understanding and patience you and the community have shown, and I hope that my future actions will reflect my commitment to change and help rebuild any trust that may have been lost.

Cheers for that, it's a good apology.

Again, no drama - my sincere apologies for inadvertently poking an old issue, there was no intent to be hurtful on my part.

I have a thick skin, I'm Australian, we're frostily polite to those we despise and call you names if we like you - it can be offputting to some. :)

The best hacker I know is from Perth, I picked up the habit of the word “legend” as a result.

You’ve been a good sport legend.

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