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Read my post again.

Just because k8s is the only game in town doesn't mean it is technically any good.

As a technology it is a total shitshow.

Luckily, the problem it solves ("orchestrating" slow webapp containers) is not a problem most professionals care about.

Feature creep of k8s into domains it is utterly unsuitable for because devops wants a pay raise is a different issue.

> Orchestrating containers is not a problem most professionals care about

I truly wish you were right, but maybe it's good job security for us professionals!

>> As a technology it is a total shitshow.

What aspects are you referring to?

>> is not a problem most professionals care about

professional as in True Scotsman?

> professional as in True Scotsman?

No, I mean that Kubernetes solves a super narrow and specific problem that most developers do not need to solve.

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