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Not to be rude, but K8s has had some very glaring issues, especially early on when the hype was at max.

* Its secrets management was terrible, and for awhile it stored them in plaintext in etcd. * The learning curve was real and that's dangerous as there were no "best practice" guides or lessons learned. There are lots of horror stories of upgrades gone wrong, bugs, etc. Complexity leaves a greater chance of misconfiguration, which can cause security or stability problems. * It was often redundant. If you're in the cloud, you already had load balancers, service discovery, etc. * Upgrades were dangerous and painful in its early days. * It initially had glaring third party tooling integration issues, which made monitoring or package management harder (and led to third party apps like Helm, etc).

A lot of these have been rectified, but a lot of us have been burned by the promise of a tool that google said was used internally, which was a bit of a lie as kubernetes was a rewrite of Borg.

Kubernetes is powerful, but you can do powerful in simple(r) ways, too. If it was truly "the most amazing" it would have been designed to be simple by default with as much complexity needed as everybody's deployments. It wasn't.

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