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Metal straw punctures 4-year-old's throat, artery to brain: How saved (today.com)
28 points by Bluestein 43 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Those metal straws a fucking dangerous. You wouldn't let your kid play around with a butter knife in their mouth. Somehow though because plastic = bad people are running around with these absolutely dangerous things in their mouths.

I won't have them. If I'm worried about the turtles I'll just burn the plastic in a hole in my yard.

You can get silicone ones if you are so concerned. All I know it's much nicer to drink from metal ones than anything else.

That's actually not a bad idea

While metal straws are generally a pretty bad idea, I actually bought a pack of them at the supermarket for a couple bucks because metal tubes are pretty handy for a variety of maker-type things. However, I've never used them as straws.

Given how freak of an accident this was I’d be curious to see if a plastic straw could cause similar internal damage. Metal straws freak me out, and I imagine they cause a number of chipped teeth as well.

Metal straws will certainly penetrate more, but there are hundreds to low thousands of ER visits each year due to straws. Most aren’t nearly as severe as this example though.

What are the statistics of this? Given how low sales of metal straws are, presumably this is much more likely than getting struck by lighting?

But probably much less likely than being run over by a car?

Kids.. next they’ll be making the straws out of plastic or something.

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