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You are clearly the exception to the rule... you have to admit your needs are far from the normal. I fully concede that a Chromebook is perfect for you. But in describing your situation you've basically put yourself into a box of one. Change one thing and suddenly there are better options for you.

For everyone else, the other options are all better. Chromebooks are still not a good product.

Personally, I am not arrogant enough to speak for everyone else and you still don't actually know me needs, just one thing I use it for. What about the other people in this thread who gave the same reason as I did, getting both the androind and linux ecosystems in a single device? They are still brainwashed by google because they did not bother spending two days backing you into a corner?

Perhaps try talking to people before passing judgement, might find out the world is a whole lot bigger than you realize.

Look you found a use for it but that doesn't make them good devices. Why is it not also arrogant to believe these are generally good devices merely because you managed to find a sliver of very specific usefulness out of these otherwise underpowered overpriced restrictive devices?

I like plenty of devices that I don't recommend to other people. I'm not arrogant enough to believe that simply because I like it, it's a good device.

I don't think I'm uninformed; I know people with Chromebooks and they've given me their opinions. I also love devices in general and I wish Chromebooks were a better value.

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