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Is this not expected? You're never going to have any language with the kind of dynamism that Python/Ruby/JS have while also having performant number crunching simply because Python has to do more significantly more work for the same line of code. You could envision a world where a JIT could recognize cases where all that dynamism falls away and you can generate code similar to what you would get in the equivalent C but that's just a fancy way to not write Python again. You would be writing in this informal not super well defined restricted subset of Python that JITs cleanly.

The problem time immortal is language complexity vs the ability to hint to your compiler that it can make much stronger assumptions about your code than it has to assume naturally which is where we got __slots__. And there's lots of easy wins you could get in Python that eliminate a significant amount of dynamism-- you could tell your compiler that you'll never shadow names for example, that this list is fixed size, that you don't want number promotion but they all require adding stuff to the language to indicate that.

When you're looking from the bottom up you end up making different trade-offs. Because while you get nice primitives that generate very tight assembly when you need that dynamism you end up having this object model that exists in the abstract that you orchestrate and poke at but don't really see, like gobject. Ironically, HN's love-to-hate language C++ gives you both simultaneously but at the cost of a very complicated language.

> You're never going to have any language with the kind of dynamism that Python/Ruby/JS have while also having performant number crunching simply because Python has to do more significantly more work for the same line of code.

Wrong. With strong types you do have ability to tell the compiler that most of the dynamic checks and hooks can be omitted, and values can stay unboxed. Python, ruby, perl choose to ignore types so far. And Javascript, PHP did at least dynamic optimizations with their type hints.

>> You're never going to have any language with the kind of dynamism that Python/Ruby/JS have while also having performant number crunching

> Wrong

Can you give examples of languages that achieve both? Or is this all just on a spectrum? Like if we say C# is performant, it’s still the case that (eventually) the way to make it faster is “stop writing C#”.

> Like if we say C# is performant, it’s still the case that (eventually) the way to make it faster is “stop writing C#”.

That has stopped being true a few years ago and in some cases was never true.

The way for a faster C# codebase is writing faster C#. .NET CoreLib including all performance-sensitive paths like memmove is written in pure C#, and the VM (by that I mean all reflection bits, TypeLoader, etc.) itself, excluding GC, is also pure C# when you are using NativeAOT.

The optimization techniques to achieve this are but not limited to using monomorphized struct generics, stack buffers, arenas and memory pooling, using SIMD API (which has the same performance characteristics as intrinsics in C/C++), not allocating by using structs or making object lifetime GC friendly if allocations cannot be avoided, making otherwise safe code bounds check elision friendly, reducing indirection, etc. Many of these are exact same as what you would do in languages like C, C++ or Rust.

As a result, the use of FFI to call into C/C++/Rust/ObjC/Swift(upcoming native Swift ABI support)/etc. today is predominantly relegated to accessing necessary OS APIs and libraries.


Of course most of these optimizations are at odds with "dynamism" and yield the speed-up by making the dispatch static and inlining-friendly, and giving the compiler more information it can prove and make use of. Not to mention C# (together with Swift) sits the closest to the metal among otherwise high-level languages by virtue of what .NET is and what its ILC and JIT compile IL to.

So, no examples? :)

That’s my gut feeling, that writing fast C# basically ends up looking like C++/Rust/etc where the niceties of C# are no longer present.

Which is the same as rewriting Python in cython. It’s way faster, and it doesn’t look like Python, or have the benefits of Python, and now just looks like weird C.

Most common optimization path is simply removing the junk and making the code drastically simpler, using appropriate CoreLib APIs and similar. A C family language that looks like other C family languages, very surprising.

Is there something specific you would like to see an example for?

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