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> Those aren't so much layers as the different parts


> OSCP is how notarization actually works, that's what's being checked to validate the notarization.

No, you are misinformed. OCSP is checked by the trustd process on ocsp2.apple.com, whereas notarization is checked by the syspolicyd process on api.apple-cloudkit.com.

OCSP is simply checking whether the Developer ID certificate has been revoked. Notarization, on the other hand, requires uploading a build to Apple and receiving a special notarization ticket. The notarization ticket is either "stapled" to the app or downloaded from Apple when the app is first launched.

> Mkay

Well they're not. What would you call it? Windows Defender and Microsoft's code signing requirement aren't super related. You could purge discovered malware with a signature/scan but that's not impossible to get around.

I'm not sure I really grok the difference from a security perspective when the main thing with notarization is ensuring it's signed with your developer cert.

I guess the Venn diagram isn't technically a circle but is it not that the actual security of notarization is provided by OSCP? I suppose I could have phrased that bit better.

Is there a case where a hypothetical notarization process that excludes that bit provides any real security? Because Apple "scanning it for malware" isn't going to be that different from Xprotect.

I'm really not sure what I did to get such an, idk hostile? response.

> is it not that the actual security of notarization is provided by OSCP?

The security of notarization is provided by Apple's signature over the hashes of the executables in the app [0]. The hashes and signature are put into a "ticket". This ticket is stored on Apple's servers, and can also be "stapled" to the app. Gatekeeper (one of the macOS security systems) will prefer to fetch the ticket from Apple if possible, and fall back to the stapled ticket if available. Notarization is meant to guarantee that the code was sent to Apple and checked for malicious code.

OCSP checks that the Apple Developer ID certificate used to sign the app hasn't been revoked.

They are two separate checks done by the Gatekeeper system, which is meant to ensure that only trusted software runs on macOS. I believe it makes sense to call the OCSP check part of the Gatekeeper system, but this may be incorrect.

[0]: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/710738

> the main thing with notarization is ensuring it's signed with your developer cert.

It's not the main thing.

> is it not that the actual security of notarization is provided by OSCP?


I tried to explain the difference in my previous reply, but I'm not going to sit here and write an entire essay on the subject (though I could). The information is out there, for example on developer.apple.com. Or even on my own website. Inform yourself, or at least stop spouting falsehoods.

Oh god, don’t send people to developer.apple.com. It’s apple’s worst product.

I’d rather you shill your own blog posts. Even without reading them, I know they are better. ;)

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