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What would the rough timeframe be for seeing adoption of this into the language?

I was considering introducing the OneOf library into our codebase, but if this is < a year or so away it might not be worth the effort.

You won't be able to leverage C#'s pattern-matching effectively with a library.

Really though, you don't need a library to do sum-types in C#:

It's best to just use records for now:

    public abstract record Maybe<A>
        private Maybe() { }

        public sealed record Just(A Value) : Maybe<A>;
        public sealed record Nothing : Maybe<A>;

The private constructor and sealed case-types stops anybody else deriving from `Maybe<A>`, so the type is effectively closed and finite.

You can then construct like so:

    var mx = new Maybe<int>.Just(123);
    var my = new Maybe<int>.Nothing();
Then you can use the pattern-matching:

   var r = mx switch
      Maybe<int>.Just (var x) => x,
      Maybe<int>.Nothing      => 0
Of course, we don't get exhaustiveness checking, that'll have to wait for the proper sum-types (although the compiler does some pretty good work on this right now); but until then this is the most expressive and powerful way of doing sum-types in C#.

And, if you want a load of pre-built ones, then my library language-ext will help [1]

[1] https://github.com/louthy/language-ext/

Not quite closed. The compiler generated protected constructor can still be used.

    public record UhOh<A> : Maybe<A>
        public UhOh() : base(new Maybe<A>.Nothing())

    Maybe<int> m = new UhOh<int>();

It's not a bad idea to evaluate OneOf. This proposal relies on records, so every use instance requires heap allocations and dereferencing which has memory and time implications respectively.

I implemented my own option types entirely differently via ref structs where the "non-option" becomes either a default of a value type or a null reference (size of a pointer). Then (in theory) the overhead is reduced to a single dereference with everything else being stack-allocated.

I then built the same thing as a non ref (regular) struct version for storing in a field. So I have Options.Quick and Options.Long namespaces with practically the same struct design just the former is a ref struct.

This has served me very well, is very fast. It just doesn't have the exhaustive checking and risks derefing a null reference, but in practice is not a big issue.

   if(option.IsT1){ doSomething(option.ValueT1)};
   if(option.IsT1){doSomething(option.ValueT2)}; // this would throw an exception, i.e. a bug, but its very readable to catch the bug

It's a different kind of ugly, but you can use the Visitor pattern to get the same exhaustiveness checking at compile time without a library.

There is no timeframe right now. At the moment this is a loose proposal for how to approach union like features in C#. There are a lot more details to dig into here before we'd be ready to move to scheduling and implementation. Also need to decide if we take on all of the union variants proposed or just some and what priority order to approach them.

The linked says "Proposed, Prototype: Not Started, Implementation: Not Started, Specification: Not Started"

.NET releases are every November, and I would be very surprised to see this in November 2024. More likely November 2025 at soonest. But check back to that page later.

Definitely no way for Nov 2024 since they're already no longer merging features for that release. Considering the scope of this, I'm doubtful for next year as well. .NET takes their time with features to get them right as well. They don't seem to take as long as Java, but maybe most new features are also not as widely publicized.

3 years away at least.

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