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Years later, Google still has no Firebase mobile app. So I built it
9 points by Sawpaw19 43 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
Would love some feedback from devs in here that use Firebase. Fairly certain HN itself is built on FB! I got so tired of how unusable the FB web console is on mobile.


> Fairly certain HN itself is built on [firebase]

The HN API is indeed https://github.com/HackerNews/API


That's a great project. What are current features?

Currently supports read/write ops on firestore collections and documents + editing remote config. I am adding support for cloud messaging as we speak!

If you ever take out time, I would love to use this app if it had a graphical editor, like drag and drop or something for editing config. Because, I personally find creating database rules in firebase for complex websites tiresome. Anyways, congrats.

Also, it would be great if this tool could ever be open sourced. There are many things I (personally) and other firebase devs would contribute to it. Not that I would hold my horses, but in future, maybe Supabase could also be integrated.

I fully intend to open source it and will circle back to this post when I do. I am actually breaking ground now on a mobile supabase client as well. Separate app entirely but with the same goal.

This is a great project.

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