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Show HN: 500+ Machine Learning and AI Questions Quiz (applyre.com)
2 points by kan101 37 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Compiled 500+ Machine Learning and AI questions into a quiz.

It tries to touch on most major topics in ML and AI.

If you come across a question whose answer you doubt, please share the link and I'll check it again. Any recommendations or changes, please let me know.

On how the quiz works - correctly answered questions are stored locally, so you won't see a question again if you answer it correctly. If you want to see all questions again, there's a reset quiz button. Questions are ordered randomly but there is a sort button. There is a dropdown if you want to skip to a particular question Id.

Questions answered correctly will autoslide to the next question. You can turn this off. Each question, once answered, will provide a bit of context for the answer.

So what's your score?

PS. This was built for Applyre users, who might want to use it for interview prep.

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