Survival skills are nice to have. But it's even nicer to live and work in a location where robbery isn't something that someone might reasonably experience twice in 3 months.
Of course, I left a job when my lunch got stolen twice in 3 months; well 3 times, but one time I brought leftover pizza in a pizza box, that's understandable. Taking leftovers in plastic is just rude... especially when my shift started at 4pm and everyone else was working normal hours, other than the overnight person whose shift started when mine left.
If I had been robbed because of the location of my job, I'd probably show up one more time, to return my stuff (assuming it wasn't stolen when I was robbed).
others may value personal safety (of themselves or their family) higher than you do. Twitter may not be optimizing for folks like yourself (you may be in the minority).
Ludicrous. You've conflated a preference for authenticity with wanting to be a victim of crime. Straw man much?
There's a lot to unpack about the attitudes in your comment. I hope you were just having a bad day, because otherwise: you're quick to judge, intolerant of different values, you scorn victims of crime, and you'll sacrifice intellectual integrity to score a cheap point.
Not to mention talk about "survival skills" as if that should be normal in a highly wealthy western country in a highly wealthy city. That's shit you talk about in developing countries.
I'm not blaming them for the crime, just their lack of understanding how the world works. If you want to understand poverty in america the only place to look is capital and americans' commitment to individual material comfort over all other values.
"Survival skill" is a matter of looking like a scary scumbag who's more trouble than he's worth to fuck with. I'm good at it, I size up the real scumbags like they're meat I'm going to chew up and spit out and I have the physical build to back it up. They cross the street to avoid me. But many people will just never have this "skill".