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My take is that crypto is a scam but fiat monetary system is a scam. The fiat proponents likely corrupted crypto intentionally, leveraging government agencies and financial institutions to prevent adoption and soil its reputation... Same thing as western corporate powers have been doing to developing countries in Africa and elsewhere; corrupting community and national leaders via an extreme punishment-in-one-hand, reward-in-the-other model, impoverishing the masses for the benefit of western conglomerates (read Confessions of an Economic Hitman)... Then fooling everyone into blaming citizens of those countries for their own poor 'voting decisions'.

Everything which is based on either fiat or crypto is also a scam by extension; stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc... Our entire financial system is built on an unsound, virulently corrupt foundation. Much energy is spent on keeping up appearances, but beneath every statistic hides a dark reality.

It probably comes down partly to the sheer number of white collar 'bs' jobs. There exist millions upon millions of 'knowledge workers' who distort narrow slices of the world's knowledge in the pursuit of narrow financial goals... But by the millions, their distortions add up to total surface-corruption of all knowledge. Everything is as rigged as it can possibly be, but looks only just as plausible as needed to continue existing.

IMO, the growing divide between appearance and reality explains the growing divide between the haves and the have-nots. Now we're at a stage that we ran out of people who are smart and corrupt enough to provide enticing justifications for all the contradictions so that's why the system now resorts to censorship and ad-hominem attacks; not addressing questions that are raised because no response exists which sounds coherent; even to the masses of midwits.

We're moving towards an Idiocracy wherein increasingly stupid, arrogant people who cannot see contradictions in increasingly weak official narratives are promoted to positions of power solely for the purpose of maintaining the system's domination by a small number of elites. Literally building a moat out of human stupidity.

A massive problem is that really stupid people, who (subconsciously) know that they're stupid, tend to trust authority figures and experts almost 100%... Because they know, deep down, that they cannot trust their own judgement about anything. These super-idiots actually think they're intelligent because they believe that one's intelligence is directly correlated to one's ability to trust the narratives fed to them by 'more knowledgeable' authority figures.

It's a self-serving view of intelligence, whereby stupid people see their inability to comprehend certain complex concepts as a form of intelligence in itself; they believe that their minds are hyper-efficient because they can reach their material goals without having to do all the tedious intellectual work; they go straight for the reward. Based on this definition, human polymaths with PhDs are idiots and cockroaches are geniuses but OK...

End rant.

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