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Just like Google lost users when they started embedding advertisements in the SERPs?

With Google it's kind of ok as they mark them as ads and you can ignore them or in my case not see them as ublock stops them. You could perhaps have something similar with LLMs? Here's how to make bread.... [sponsored - maybe you could use Clorox®]

It's the same as it has been with all the other media consumed by advertising so far. Radio, television, newspapers, telephony, music, video. Ads metastasizing to Internet services are normal and expected progression of the disease.

At every point, there's always a rationalization like this available, that you can use to calm yourself down and embrace the suck. "They're marking it clearly". "Creators need to make money". "This is good for business, therefore Good for America, therefore good for me". "Some ads are real works of art, more interesting to watch than the actual programming". "How else would I know what to buy?".

The truth is, all those rationalizations are bullshit; you're being screwed over and actively fed poison, and there's nothing you can do about it except stop using the service - which quickly becomes extremely inconvenient to pretty much impossible. But since there's no one you could get angry at to get them to change things for the better, you can either adopt a "justification" like the above, or slowly boil inside.

Well as mentioned I don't even see Google's ads unless I deliberately turn the blocker off. I much prefer that to the content being subtly biased which you see in blogs, newspapers and the like.

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