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Advanced ML products are forbidden[0] to export to many places, so those who skimp on KYC are playing with fire. Paid products do not have this issue since you provide a billing address, but there is no good, free, and legal LLM that does not use a reliable way of verifying at least user’s location.

Whether they are serious about it or use it as an excuse to collect more PII (or both/neither), collecting verified phone numbers presumably allows them to demonstrate compliance.

[0] https://cset.georgetown.edu/article/dont-forget-the-catch-al...

> but there is no good, free, and legal LLM that does not use a reliable way of verifying at least user’s location.

In the US, other locations may/may not have the same export controls. Base your AI business in one of the non-US countries and it'll be legal to not keep strict controls on who is using your service.

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