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This is such an infuriatingly dismissive and abrasive answer, even with not being part of that community. All metal is just trivial guitar play and angry shouts right? Paintings are just the correct application of colors and other materials.

- edit - And yes, I have talked to artists about absolutely trivial paintings. During that I learned how.. nontrivial putting poop on canvas may be - /edit -

Sometimes it's better to accept you're not part of a conversation and to either shut up, or ask a very confused "But why?"

Good, I'm glad you find it infuriating. It likewise annoys me when I see people praise low-effort garbage, so I see it as only fair.

>And yes, I have talked to artists about absolutely trivial paintings. During that I learned how.. nontrivial putting poop on canvas may be

And I've talked to artists who have told me they agreed with me, and that they think pseudo-artistic shitposts devalue the work they put into their own pieces.

I too confused art with craft for quite a long time. it's another framing of the difference between being interested in why versus being interested in how.

As I said on a different sibling comment, I don't agree that I'm confusing the two. That said, I do think craft is an integral part of art.

>Good, I'm glad you find it infuriating

If you came here to infuriate other people (or think it's good that it happens), you have come to the wrong place.

Please reconsider.

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