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Help Test Networking App for Y Combinator Company
3 points by andrewoodleyjr 46 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hey everyone,

I'm Andre Woodley Jr., and I'm building a local-social application called "In The Room" that helps people connect easier, in real-time, in physical spaces.

We invest and share a lot of ourselves on social media, and I believe it would be 10x easier to meet and connect with others at physical spaces and events (like networking mixers) if we could share our social profiles (like LinkedIn) with people around us in real-time. This would make networking and connecting more intentional and could spark something bigger.

If you host mixers, networking events, socials, meetups, or any get-togethers (even parties), I'm asking you to take a one-time shot on me with this. I have some investors willing to invest if this makes sense and works, so your support would be incredibly valuable.

We've had some exciting early successes with this concept. We previously launched at a 500 Startups seminar in Los Angeles, and it caused such a stir that we were asked to stop passing out the flyers. We also launched at a meetup and received a standing ovation at a hackathon. However, this was all pre-COVID, and we're eager to see how it performs now.

Asks: 1. Upvote this post to spread the ask. 2. Pass this to someone you think could relate. 3. If you or they relate connect with us.

I'd love to connect and show you more about how it works. Check out our site: https://www.intheroom.social/about.

If you're interested, let's connect! You can book a time with me here: https://calendly.com/andrewoodleyjr

A bit about us: we're a YC company, and we originally started as a skip-line company, but COVID halted our operations. After exiting another unrelated company, we wanted to return to what we truly love: building platforms that help us live life in real life.

Looking forward to connecting and potentially collaborating!

Best, Andre Woodley Jr.

Interesting idea. May not necessarily be an issue but how do you ensure bad actors don't use this kind of information for things like surveillance or other nefarious acts?

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