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great. with what new parlour trick?

Quantitative easing was the high speed drag fuel used to propel us to "these uncertain times." doubling down on QE for covid turned the housing market into a bulletproof bubble. Cranking interest to clinton-era levels basically tapped the brakes on inflation so a food crisis didnt threaten to dissolve the union, but it also didnt translate into a personal savings gain.

return-to-work mandates have failed, so we still have the looming corporate real estate crisis with over a trillion due in the next 40 months.

the average US auto loan is now somewhere beyond 80 months, and auto lending defaults have spiked as of 2023, so theres that bubble.

the education lending bubble was getting some assistance until loan forgiveness was basically cancelled. theres another 1.73 trillion dollar bubble.

and finally the US credit card debt rate is another 1.15 trillion dollar bubble ready to pop. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/14/1251295805/credit-cards-debt-...

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