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> You're, perhaps unintentionally, moving the goalposts a bit. "Version control" doesn't just mean database of code snapshots. It simultaneously connotes all the related functions and development processes we have around version control.

Not OP, but I'd argue you are the one moving the goalpost here.

If someone says they are not using "version control", I'm going to assume that they are not using git (or similar) at all. Any other meaning would be so arbitrary to be almost useless. No one can guess where you draw the line in the sand between "I'm not using any version control tool" to "I'm technically using a version control tool but I'm not doing version control because I don't do X,Y,Z".

I personally can't imagine writing any non trivial piece of code without using git. Even in its more basic form, the advantages are overwhelming. But at no point of my 20+ years of development I've ever applied the same rigorous version control rules of professional environments to my personal projects. At best I've used branches to separate features (rarely, and mostly when I got tired of working on a problem and wanted to work on a different one for some time), and PRs to have an opportunity to review the changes I made to see if I forgot to do something. At "worst" I simply used it as a daily snapshot tool (possibly with some notes about what's left to do) or as a checkpoint after getting something complicated working.

If the author has finally figured out rigorous source control can be unnecessary and counterproductive on small projects - good on them! But if that's the case then say that. Calling the fine tuning of which process you want (or don't want) to use "no version control" is just misleading.

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